March 5th, 2013
How to Declutter Before Listing Your Home

1) Switch from a “living” mindset to a “selling” mindset – It’s not about how you live in your home; it’s about transforming your home into a showroom to sell it.
2) Show off your space, not your stuff – Too much of your stuff makes it difficult for buyers to visualize their stuff in your home. Sparsely furnished rooms allow them to picture where their furniture will fit and how it will look.
3) Create white space – A blank canvas offers more possibilities. You don’t have to totally depersonalize your home, but do provide “white space,” areas without any furniture or decorative accessories.
4) Decluttered rooms photograph better – Today, it’s more important than ever that your rooms photograph well. That’s because most first showings take place online and buyers make decisions before they even walk through. Rooms look more spacious and attractive online when there is open space and no clutter.
5) Check out the Competition – Go online and take virtual tours of houses for sale in your area and in your price range – this is your competition! Note how you feel looking at spaces that are free of clutter.
Decluttering is the most inexpensive thing you can do with biggest impact on your bottom line. You have total control over the condition of your house and how well it shows. Make the most of this great opportunity to “show off” your home.